Existence state of indoor pollutants in the air, is decided by itsphysical and chemical properties and its forming process.General indoorair pollutants can be divided into two categories, gaseous pollutantsand granular pollutants.Now decorate material to nothing more than useman-made plank, sandwich board, plastic, paint, coatings, adhesives,granite, marble, ceramic tile and gypsum etc., these materials are moreor less contain amounts of formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, radon andother four kinds of pollutants, there is no such thing as zero pollutiondecoration materials.The so-called national environmental protectionmaterial, just the pollutants in the state allows the scope.The sham asthe genuine of decoration materials market, however, all vendorsaccording to their own materials meet the national environmentalstandards, and consumers being fooled.According to the statistics, thenew decorating houses air detection qualified rate is very low, thishave decorate material to the cause of the poor, there is also aconstruction is not reasonable.Indoor pollution is the biggest victim ofthose children, pregnant women, the elderly and chronic patients,especially children than adults are more susceptible to the harm ofindoor pollution.On the one hand, because the body of children isgrowing in, breathing quantity according to the weight is 50% higherthan adults.Children, on the other hand, there is more than 80% of thetime life indoors, the pollution harm is not easy to find, when foundthe problem already cannot be redeemed.Experts from the United Statesfor asthma caused by indoor Air Cooler survey as you can see, 65% of children suffering from asthma is of different level from the decoration pollution.
More information at amxfan.com/Indoor-Air-Pollutants.html