How much it will cost in one year for ventilation system?
Nowadays, peoples consumption ideas are getting more and more focused onenvironmental protection, even it costs thousands or hundred thousandsof money to install an efficient ventilation system, but some people areworried that this system will takes more electricity and moremaintenance cost, however, is it true? If it is, how much will it costanyway?
Power consumption for ventilation system.
The ventilation system usually is opened 24 hours a day with activedweller inside the house, a lot of people will think that this will costa lot of electricity, but, actually, if we don't consider the windageand windage loss, the ventilation system is just like one ventilationfan with a bit large power, usually for a 120 square meters ordinaryhomes, the ventilation system will not larger than 100w, powerconsumption will be 2 degrees for 24 hours, daily average cost will beonly 1 RMB.
The maintenance cost for ventilation system.
The first thing that need to change is the filter, this is the mainpart and the most important part, usually the filter is separate withelectrostatic precipitation type and physical filtration type.
We don't need to change electrostatic precipitation filter, justregular maintenance, and this won't cost that much. But, consider theeffect of the electrostatic precipitation filter, it's not thatefficient actually, and with the electrostatic effect, the oxygen willturns to ozone, this will harm peoples health.
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